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Home > Swagger about in a sentence

Swagger about in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2019-04-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: swaggerswaggeringexaggerateexaggeratedbother aboutexaggerationexaggerativewander about
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1) A group of young men swaggered about outside the bar.
2) There's absolutely no swagger about the man.
3) The Lakers have a swagger about them that says they will not go down without a fight this year.
4) He always swagger about his exploits to all of us.
5) Let my nephew and Goldthred swagger about their wager as they list.
6) The story tells us that there is always someone who tries to swagger about in borrowed plumes .
More similar words: swaggerswaggeringexaggerateexaggeratedbother aboutexaggerationexaggerativewander aboutexaggeratedlyloiter aboutpotter aboutaggernaggerdaggerjaggerbaggertaggerbraggerstaggerdraggerstaggersstaggeredstaggeringmaraboustaggeringlycarpetbaggercloak-and-daggerat daggers drawnwage ratetower above
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